Wednesday, May 25, 2011

5-Star Review of Adagio and Lamentation

In his May 21, 2011 Malcolm’s Round Table review, Malcolm Campbell gives Adagio and Lamentation 5 stars (out of 5) and imagines the poet working “…with a pen so sharp that it tears the paper, cutting through the desk’s polished veneer to carry ink and light deep into the primary wood.”

Campbell writes, “…the poems live and breathe on their pages, and when experienced together, comprise an ever-new song about long-ago wars, colors, shadows, moments and people…. Lowinsky’s words—written with “a flicker of serpent’s tongue in her ear”—tear through the paper-thin present and drive their way deep into the underworld of the unconscious where the inspirations of her muse are fiery, erotic, earthy, transcendent and whole.”

Malcolm R. Campbell is the author of “The Sun Singer,” “Garden of Heaven: an Odyssey” and “Jock Stewart and the Missing Sea of Fire.”

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