Your Face in the Fire
Launch Date: June 1, 2024
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News from the Muse of the Double-headed Axe*
*The Double-Headed Axe or labrys was sacred as a tool and a weapon. It belonged to the MinoanGoddess. It is associated with the labyrinth—“house of the double axe.”
Roi Faineant
an online literary publication
has published four of Naomi Ruth Lowinsky’s recent poems.
It is difficult to find literary magazines which will publish long poems, and/or poems that take on the difficult issues of our terrible times. Hats off to the editors of this brave publication. You can find all four poems here:
The Muse of the Double-headed Axe
insists on sharing Her poem, below.
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Labyrinth |
You never know where you’re going
until you get there
You never know what you’ll stumble into
until you’re in it
so said the Labyrinth one afternoon
in late November
as your feet faltered round the sudden twists and turns
of the double-headed ax
When at last you emerged from that pilgrimage
in the shape of a prayer
ruby red and gold trees flared up into a glory
and you suddenly remembered the Dream
The Dream knows you are a wandering Jew
whose bones ache with the agony weight
of the world forever seeking sanctuary
forever on a pilgrimage in the shape of a prayer
you stumble into a small Black Hole A temple?
A trap? A desecration of the Holy Land? Can’t see a thing
but the bony labyrinth of your ear hears demonic chanting
The One and the Only Mr Security
The One and the Only Judge and Jury
rousing your ancestors to warn you
This double-headed ax blow to the stomach
this manic metronome with its hypnotic spell
means to render you powerless or is it
a call to witness how swiftly sanctuary
can turn treacherous?
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Nova Music Festival |
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Hostages |
The Dream knows you will stumble
into this damp and gloomy spider web of tunnels
a double-headed ax a labyrinth of passageways
You walk with the walkers who can’t see
you seem to be a spirit in this underworld
You come at last to a well-lit room
a group of young people wounded bandaged
dazed confused held prisoner
Are you called to witness the abducted?
Are you called to hear what they remember?
Just yesterday they were ecstatic trance dancers
a synchronized flow of mandalas within mandalas
spheres beyond spheres in the company of Great Buddha
on a pilgrimage in the shape of a prayer for peace for joy
between Jews and Muslims loving the land they share all day
all night in the desert until suddenly at sunrise Nirvana cracks
gun shots hand grenades terrorists are hunting them running
running weeping shrieking corpses scattered everywhere
and they the survivors abducted
Where was the army? We served our time
We would have saved us Now we’re stuck
in this hell hole without our phones
How can we text our terrified mothers?
What would Buddha say?
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Destruction in Gaza |
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Eye and Child |
The Dream transports you stumbling into a temple or is it a mosque by the sea? The Dream
shows you the spirit of a girl who reveals I am the “Unknown Trauma Child” of Gaza
Did anyone survive under the rubble that terrible night when the bomb crashed into our home
like a double-headed ax? All I could hear was shrieking shrieking Then nothing a tunnel
of darkness a sudden bright light as the ancestors gathered fragments of my soul
so I can visit with you in your dream so you can see me whole a radiant loving child
of radiant loving people May they come to me as ghosts who walk the labyrinth
a pilgrimage in the shape of a prayer May you greet them here in this sanctuary
made sacred by your sorrow Sit with us Meet my mother who was tender Meet my father
who was playful Meet my older brother the joker Meet my younger sister the dreamer
and that unknown unborn one in mother’s womb who never will see the light of the new day
This is my family broken pottery shattered lineage cast away flesh and bones No one is left
to identify our bodies No one is left to grieve May you be our witness our weeper
May you gather and treasure our souls
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Underworld |
The Dream knows you are weary still stumbling on difficult terrainThis pilgrimage in the shape of a prayer has not yet revealed the Temple of your Soul
The Dream is a labyrinth in motion in the shape of a butterfly
in the shape of a double-headed ax it cuts through tumult and you find yourself
ascending a Rock given a hand up by kind people who know sorrow
“This Rock” they tell you “is our Sanctuary without walls
where all who love this land call it Palestine call it Israel may gather to pray
that the Rock will hold us know us help us face the hard truth of our history
the hard truth of our geography the hard truth of our kinship in catastrophe
We bring prayer rugs and prayer shawls We prostrate ourselves we daven
We’ve come to hear the Stone speak”
I am the voice of the land you love
Hear O Israel Hear O Palestine
I am your Mother
I say “Enough Already!
Salaam is Sholom Sholom is Salaam
Make Peace!”
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Sacred Rock |